Message from the Principal

NSA Family,
It is an incredible privilege to serve you and the Nashville community as principal at Nashville School of the Arts. Our talented and devoted faculty is committed to providing students with experiences, opportunities, and challenges that will prepare them for a fulfilling life after high school.
At NSA, we live with P.R.I.D.E., and we encourage everyone, both faculty and students, to do the same. For us, P.R.I.D.E. means demonstrating Professionalism (meeting your obligations in a timely manner and at the highest standard of which you are capable), Respect (showing consideration for the beliefs and contributions of others as well as yourself), Investment (understanding that the habits you develop today will determine the successes you have tomorrow), Dedication (approaching everything you do with passion in order to maximize your potential and to inspire others), and Endurance (developing the mental toughness necessary to push beyond your own perceived limits).
By fostering the values described in our P.R.I.D.E. language, students will graduate from NSA with the confidence to handle any obstacle, and the knowledge that the choice to do their personal best is always within their control.
Thank you for allowing me the honor to serve you. I look forward to all we will do together.
Living with P.R.I.D.E.,
Dr. Justin Thomas
Executive Principal